“Carving the Way Home” Series

This is the first installment of a series I have called “Carving the Way Home” – where I intend to share with you excerpts and teachings from some of the most influential thought-leaders of our times (and some from times past too) who are igniting powerful and inspiring changes in the remembering and healing of humanity.
We begin with Dr Zach Bush, a specialist in microbiome, internal medicine, hospice care, and endocrinology. He speaks up about health, food systems the manifestation of disease, and our connection with our living earth. If you don’t know of Dr Zach Bush yet, I cannot recommend his work and wisdom enough, he is a beacon of light where science and spirit meet. He invokes such a palpable presence with his passion and love for our journey of life, that I am moved to tears and filled with hope each time I am fortunate enough to witness him.
The Global Health Education Initiative now has 13 episodes, each with a webinar where Zach and his colleagues explore many relevant topics, including – The Heart: Understanding the Vascular System, Resilience, and Repair – which I am sharing an excerpt from below. The whole series is funded through generous donations and is available for free at https://zachbushmd.com/knowledge-base/ along with many amazing blogs.
Now…I want to share with you this excerpt from Zach’s opening/welcome. He offers this moment in time to ground, breathe, and connect – before he settles into the topic of the day. As always, his way with words and presence of heart moves me deeply, Enjoy!
I want to give you a few seconds to trust your body. I want you to come into yourself and understand in an intuitive way what you are feeling when you hear my words, when you feel yourself there. I want you to acknowledge the fact that you are here, and you are a miraculous being. 70 trillion cells working in concert to create this moment of health. That you have the consciousness and the intellectual capacity to listen to another human being. To connect through these technological platforms, you’re here.
I want you to feel your feet, your hands, your belly – scan your body. Take some deep breaths right now. Where are you carrying stress? Where are you carrying fear? Where’s the tension? Exhale that tension, let it drop away. You are the most complicated scientific laboratory ever devised. 70 trillion cells are assessing their environment every second, millions of times a second. Sensing the environment around it, reacting to it, modifying it, adapting, healing, regenerating.
You are not only the most extraordinary laboratory ever developed; you are the most extraordinary therapeutic cornucopia of options and treatment ever devised. Every cell in a constant state of regeneration and repair at a speed that is dumbfounding. Speed at which hormonal and redox signalling happens through communication networks through the body are measured in a millionth of a second. Every millionth of a second, your body is in a regenerative state, repairing, healing.
This is what I now have trust in as a physician. I have no faith or trust in what I know because it is a tiny fraction of the truth that lies within the complexity of your body. You are of an intelligent design that boggles the minds of scientists and physicians around the world and defies any of our computer capacity to calculate the sheer complexity of any given millionth of a second within your body.
When any physician, scientist, or regulatory body or NGO or anybody shows up and tells you they know what’s going on in your body, know that they are wrong. They may have a theory as to what’s going on. They may have a glimpse into a small part of what’s going on within you. But nobody knows how you exist right now.
It’s too beautiful. It’s too complex and it needs to be trusted.
And so if you learn anything from me is that I know nothing. If you learn anything from any of us, it should be that we stand in awe as scientists and physicians of the beauty of human life that we all chose to be here. There are ancient souls that are showing up in bodies around the world right now. That’s my experience as a physician, as a hospice doctor sitting at the end of life for so many patients.
I watch life restart, rebirth, in those moments that we call death. We have an energetic centre that is continuous, cannot be destroyed and it steps into these physical bodies for a moment in time to express a particle moment of energetic energy, energetic expression of life. And that is you, that’s who you are. You are a particle expression of an energetic force of life within you. This sense of solidity, the solid state of your hand, or your face is the result of a quantum miracle. This particle appearance of waveforms, energetic waveforms, light force that are expressed for a moment as particles in every millionth of a second and you show up as a physical being. An expression of a much deeper and a much more true energetic being, a light being. And that light particle phenomenon that is both a wave and a particle at the same time is the truth that Einstein uncovered.
As we wrap our heads around relativity and quantum physics we find out that you are a quantum miracle. You are an expression of something much greater than any physical nature ever described or witnessed.
So trust that.
So when somebody tells you that you need a drug or you need some sort of technological intervention to be healthy, you should question that immediately. And you should go deep into this quantum miracle that is your body and ask the questions to yourself. And trust the answers that come out. And if in that trust you find that yes, that technological thing is what I want to reach for right now, I understand it’s not a solution, it’s a band aid, it’s something, it’s maybe just a hope, and if I need that hope right now, I’m going to reach for that technology and I hope that it works, acknowledge that it’s a hope, it’s not a science, it’s not a truth, it’s not a thing, it’s something you’re believing in and that’s okay. As long as it’s coming from within. The whole concept of health, freedom, is around your integrity and intuitive nature.
Here is a link to the full webinar The Heart: Understanding the Vascular System, Resilience & Repair
We are living in a time of great change where we are being asked to remember who we are. We are being called to awaken to our true nature and to listen to the wisdom of our bodies.
Trust and remember that you are a quantum miracle.
With love,
Linda (and Zach) xo
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“Carving the Way Home” Series