Wholefood Retreat

The kitchen is a hearth of the retreat container, providing an anchor for all those journeying within

A bespoke catering service to align with the highest quality and intention of your retreat or event offering.

Let’s talk about working together on your next event

This 2-3 hour workshop builds upon the nourishing wisdom and food inspiration that is naturally shared in the kitchen space. Exploring through and beyond the importance of WHAT we eat, into the understanding of HOW we eat & a state of awareness and interconnectedness that profoundly influences our health, healing & happiness.

It is a journey beyond our food choices to look deeper with curiosity and compassion towards our reasons and beliefs behind our habits and our relationship to nourishment from a ‘wholistic’ perspective.

We will explore:

This time spent together is intended to complement and build upon the retreat experience as a whole. It supports, inspires and strengthens the resolve of your participants to return home and make even more positive changes to their self care and wellbeing practices.

Eating nourishing food is one of the most intimate communions we have with ourselves and with the earth. It is a pure expression of love in action and sharing in the experience is a gift that connects community”

Example Subtitle

Example Title

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I was born and raised in Aotearoa, NZ – a dairy farmer’s daughter. There was a lot of love and a lot of hard work. Despite the rise of environmental toxins, prescription drugs like birth control medications, and junk foods of the 80s – our family was wholesome, ate relatively well, and in connection to the land.

I was a highly sensitive and expressive little girl who was deeply connected to the natural world. My parents taught me many good things to guide my way, yet my soul’s experience in this life and the journey of coming back home to my body would not be the easiest road to walk.  It is only years later that I understand and trust that the hardships of my lived experience were to be the medicine and wisdom to offer back to others.

At age 7 I developed Epilepsy and was heavily medicated for 10 years. At that time, we didn’t understand anything about how Epilepsy affects the rest of the body let alone the damaging effect of the medications on my health or the emotional/spiritual understanding of such an illness.

The years that followed carved an arduous road of inner turmoil, insecurity, and physical symptoms. Through my pre-teens and up till my early 20’s I struggled with a very negative sense of self and of my body. I experienced a cascade of symptoms like depression, fatigue, PMS, digestive issues, headaches, and weight gain. I never felt like I fit in and believed I was not good enough. For many many years, I didn’t know how to access the knowledge, support, and courage to overcome – I felt overwhelmed, alone, and scared, so I chose to numb out in various unhealthy ways to escape my reality – seeking to feel worthy, validated and good in my body.

At 22 I had hit rock bottom and wanted to end my life. I was 120kg, sick, and very sad.

I remember the day it all changed. I was sitting on the beach contemplating my purpose, praying for a better life, wondering if existence was meant to be this way – when I felt (consciously) for the first time – an energy and presence beyond my disassociated physical prison. I sensed a shimmering light in the heart of my being emerging – a light of hope, of choice, of remembering. This was my awakening and I am eternally grateful beyond measure.

While my course had been redirected I still had to start walking the path of unravelling deeply ingrained patterns and mental, emotional & physical imbalance. Yet as each day passed my whole perspective began to realign, offering my body and being what it needed to flourish. I was being shown the parts that needed my love and attention to heal. My heart and inner compass were guiding me, and all aspects of my life began to transform. All the beauty of my being that I had abandoned at such a young age began to seep into all the darkened places.

Over the next 6 years, I let go of 60 kg (130lbs) and numerous layers of discomfort and dissonance. It began with obvious simple changes to my diet and lifestyle. I brought more intention and connection into my life and began to inhabit myself once again. I embarked on a passion-filled journey of learning about the body, food, alternative therapies, self-care and spiritual connection – teachings and tools I carry with me today.

When I was 30, I was diagnosed with Hashi Moto’s Thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease). I believe this had been going on for a long while, driving many of the symptoms I had been traversing. I felt deeply knocked down by this diagnosis as I had given so much time and energy to “fixing” what I deemed broken.

While so much healing and transformation had taken place, I was now being asked to journey deep within and explore the origins of my suffering. The more curious and compassionate I became, the more I opened to the messages and call the fragmented parts of myself home. I started to understand that I was never broken to begin with – wholeness was always there. 

This diagnosis was an opportunity and a gift.

The decade that followed was all about coming into right relationship with myself, with others, and with the world around me. It was a deep dive into trauma, limiting beliefs, root cause medicine, and the systemic nature of chronic stress. I was shown that I still had much work to do around my inner narratives and the lack of trust I held for my body. As each season of healing unfurled I came to understand that the source of my suffering was disconnection and my quest was to return home to myself.

I know what it is like to live in a body that doesn’t seem to work properly, that doesn’t seem to match your heart’s desires. I understand what it’s like to feel trapped in symptoms you don’t know how to shift and spend much of your precious time and energy trying to fix what feels broken. I know what self-abandonment feels like.


Yet through it all, somehow I still sit here – grounded, vital, present – feeling immense gratitude for the abundance of beautiful blessings that have graced my days. The many landscapes I have traversed have not always been easy but they have always and in all ways supported my reconnection.  I am grateful for this opportunity to participate in the evolution of our collective consciousness.

So here we are – learning, growing, and healing together.

… And the journey continues …

To life…

Linda xo

After leaving high school at 16 to pursue her dream; at that time, of becoming a Chef – Linda graduated with a distinction from culinary school and additional hospitality/customer services-based trainings in Canterbury, NZ. Over the next 10 years, the diversity of her work within these sectors evolved to roles focused on health food, wellbeing, and support services.

In 2007, after some years upon European soil remembering the nourishing ways of her ancestral roots, she explored Asia and India, immersing herself in the Healing Arts of the East – Traditional Medicine, Yoga, Philosophy and Spirituality. From there she journeyed to the Americas and opened to the teachings of Native American and Shamanic Medicine Ways.

Heeding the call, her walk led her to Colorado to begin studies with the Seven Bowls School of Nutrition, Nourishment and Healing, diving deep into many modalities of healing and completing her training as an Integrative Nutrition Practitioner specialising in Food, Energy and Earth Medicine.

In 2010 and after being away from her islands of birth for almost a decade she returned to Aotearoa, NZ to reconnect to the medicine of Polynesia and Rongoa (indigenous plant medicine) for what was to be a majestical commune with the Ngahere (Forest) and wild places, guided by her teacher, Pa Ropata.

With a yearning to find stillness and grow deep roots into the earth, Linda poured her love and energy into growing food, living simply and regeneratively and building community. Crystallising in 2012, from her humble bush shack in the rural coastal paradise of Golden BayNourishing Ways was born.

Mirroring the evolution of her work and research as well as her own personal healing journey, Linda returned to study at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating in the USA, delving into teachings of Eating and Nourishment Psychology and Body Mind Nutrition.

In 2019 she relocated to the Northern Rivers of NSW Australia, Bundjalung Country.  Alongside the flourishing of Nourishing Ways’ many expressions, Earth Kitchen was established to hold the bespoke Catering and Food Medicine Education branch of Nourishing Ways’ tree.

Linda has offered workshops and talks on many subjects ranging from mental health to mindful eating, from autoimmunity to positive body image. She created the popular 21-day cleanse programme “Rejuvenate”, ran healing food cooking classes, and co-created retreats offering wisdom on nutrition, nourishment, plant medicine and spirituality. Linda has mentored people around the world, created in-home wellbeing programmes, consulted cafes on menu development & eco initiatives, offered wholefood catering and workshops for young women’s rites of passage programmes, conscious festivals, yoga retreats/trainings and other wellbeing and transformational events.

Linda has worked in treatment facilities for addiction and disordered eating and has been recruited to cook and teach nutrition, eating psychology, body/mind nutrition and mindfulness to the Sydney Roosters NRL team. She has presented at “The Real Food Revolution”, Mental Health Awareness week, has been featured in newspapers throughout New Zealand, as well as Australia’s “That’s Life” magazine. She has written for Happyzine and Healthpost sharing her story and nourishing wisdom.

Having been a teacher and guide to many over the years, it is not till now, in 2023 that a readiness to fully step into the online world has aligned.